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'exception While Reading Request', 'detail': 'cannot Decode:'}, 'status': 'failure'}

My first question is, what does 'cannot decode:' mean? My second question is, why do some strings work and others do not? I'm guessing that there's an issue wi

Solution 1:

This ended up being an issue with the encoding in the source xml records. Python couldn't translate a ton of weird junk characters. I created a way to strip out the odd characters. Here's the code I used...

def fix_multi_line_string(text):
    '''Given a string input,
    replace all unwanted characters with desginated replacements.
    Return the fixed string.'''
    char_map = {
        '•': '-',
        '\t': '',
        '\n': '',
        '\r': '',
        '\u200b': '',
        '"': "'",
        '\ufffd': '',
        '\uf0b7': '',
        '\uf0a7': '',
        '\uf071': '',
        '\u25e6': '',
        '\uf020': '',
        '\u2265': '',
        '\u200e': '',
        '\uf0d8': '',
        '\u2010': '',
        '\uf04a': '',
        '\u25fe': '',
        '\u2610': '',
        '\u2015': '',
        '\u2612': '',
        '\uf04c': '',
        '\uf15c': '',
        '\ue1ef': '',
        '\u25b2': '',
        '\U0001f609': '',
        '\u2502': '',
        '\uf02a': '',
        '\uf0e0': '',
        '\uf028': '',
        '\u25a1': '',
        '\ue0e8': '',
        '\u2003': '',
        '\uf0a0': '',
        '\ue900': '',
        '\ue901': '',
        '\ue076': '',
        '\ue1d9': '',
        '\ue1ed': '',
        '\u25bc': '',
        '\uf073': '',
        '\ue099': '',
        '\uf0fc': '',
        '\uf0df': '',
        '\uff08': '',
        '\u2002': '',
        '\uf0e8': '',
        '\uf07f': '',
        '\uf06f': '',
        '\u263a': '',
        '\ue1b4': '',
        '\ue1b4': '',
        '\u2500': '',
        '\uf084': '',
        '\ue0ca': '',
        '\U00100078': '',
        '\uf027': '',
        '\uf0ac': '',
        '\U0001f604': '',
        '\uff1f': '',
        '\uff0c': '',
        '\uff01': '',
        '\u2219': '',
        '\u2219': '',
        '\U0001f60a': '',
        '\uf0a8': '',
        '\ue172': '',
        '\ue080': '',
        '\ue113': '',
        '\ue1bc': '',
        '\ue202': '',
        '\u2190': '',
        '\u2192': '',
        '\uf076': '',
        '\ue021': '',
        '\uf06e': '',
        '\uf030': '',
        '\uf077': '',
        '\uf111': '',
        '\uf12a': '',
        '\ue22a': '',
        '\u2981': '',
        '\uf02d': '',
        '\uf037': '',
        '///': ''
    for char in char_map:
        text = text.replace(char, char_map[char])

    return text

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