Numpy Array Show Only Unique Rows
Solution 1:
Approach #1
Here's one approach using lex-sorting
and np.bincount
# Perform lex sort and get the sorted array version of the input
sorted_idx = np.lexsort(A.T)
sorted_Ar = A[sorted_idx,:]
# Mask of start of each unique row in sorted array
mask = np.append(True,np.any(np.diff(sorted_Ar,axis=0),1))
# Get counts of each unique row
unq_count = np.bincount(mask.cumsum()-1)
# Compare counts to 1 and select the corresponding unique row with the mask
out = sorted_Ar[mask][np.nonzero(unq_count==1)[0]]
Please note that the output would not maintain the order of elements as originally present in the input array.
Approach #2
If the elements are integers, then you can convert 2D array A
to a 1D array assuming each row as an indexing tuple and that should be a pretty efficient solution. Also, please note that this approach would maintain the order of elements in the output. The implementation would be -
# Convert 2D array A to a 1D array assuming each row as an indexing tuple
A_1D =[::-1].cumprod()[::-1][1:],1))
# Get sorting indices for the 1D array
sort_idx = A_1D.argsort()
# Mask of start of each unique row in 1D sorted array
mask = np.append(True,np.diff(A_1D[sort_idx])!=0)
# Get the counts of each unique 1D element
counts = np.bincount(mask.cumsum()-1)
# Select the IDs with counts==1 and thus the unique rows from A
out = A[sort_idx[np.nonzero(mask)[0][counts==1]]]
Runtime tests and verification
Functions -
def unq_rows_v1(A):
sorted_idx = np.lexsort(A.T)
sorted_Ar = A[sorted_idx,:]
mask = np.append(True,np.any(np.diff(sorted_Ar,axis=0),1))
unq_count = np.bincount(mask.cumsum()-1)
return sorted_Ar[mask][np.nonzero(unq_count==1)[0]]
def unq_rows_v2(A):
A_1D =[::-1].cumprod()[::-1][1:],1))
sort_idx = A_1D.argsort()
mask = np.append(True,np.diff(A_1D[sort_idx])!=0)
return A[sort_idx[np.nonzero(mask)[0][np.bincount(mask.cumsum()-1)==1]]]
Timings & Verify Outputs -
In [272]: A = np.random.randint(20,30,(10000,5))
In [273]: unq_rows_v1(A).shape
Out[273]: (9051, 5)
In [274]: unq_rows_v2(A).shape
Out[274]: (9051, 5)
In [275]: %timeit unq_rows_v1(A)
100 loops, best of 3: 5.07 ms per loop
In [276]: %timeit unq_rows_v2(A)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.96 ms per loop
Solution 2:
The numpy_indexed package (disclaimer: I am its author) is able to solve this problem efficiently, in a fully vectorized manner. I havnt tested with numpy yet 1.9, if that is still relevant, but perhaps youd be willing to give it a spin and let me know. I don't have any reason to believe it will not work with older versions of numpy.
a = np.random.rand(10000, 3).round(2)
unique, count = npi.count(a)
print(unique[count == 1])
Note that as per your original question, this solution is not restricted to a specific number of columns, or dtype.
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