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Perform Union Of Graphs Based On Vertex Names Python Igraph

This issue has been filed on github something like 6 months ago, but since it has not yet been fixed I'm wondering whether there is a quick fix that I am missing. I want to merge t

Solution 1:

Simply make a new graph, and add vertices by name. Of course, this would eliminate other node properties, which you would also have to add manually.

g1 = igraph.Graph()
g2 = igraph.Graph()

# add vertices

g3 = igraph.Graph()
verts_to_add = []
for v in g1.vs:
    if v['name'] not in verts_to_add:
for v in g2.vs:
    if v['name'] not in verts_to_add:


for v in g3.vs:


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