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How To Handle Dynamically Changing Value With Selenium And Python?

Below is what HTML has. If I click using below XPATH, it's working fine. But data-qtip value keep changing and also there are other class with same name as above in HTML. How can

Solution 1:

based on OP response, there are 9 data-qtip and due to lack of HTML, I will proide you solution using xpath indexing.


should represent the first 1 element, [2] should represent the second element.


and so on..

PS : Please check in the dev tools (Google chrome) if we have unique entry in HTML DOM or not.

Steps to check:

Press F12 in Chrome -> go to element section -> do a CTRL + F -> then paste the xpath and see, if your desired element is getting highlighted with 1/1 matching node.

You can try to increase the index to have a unique matching node in HTMLDOM.

Code trial 1 :


Solution 2:

In your DOM if data-qtip is unique attribute then you can use below xPath





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