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Deblur An Image Using Scikit-image

I am trying to use skimage.restoration.wiener, but I always end up with an image with a bunch of 1 (or -1), what am I doing wrong? The original image comes from Uni of Waterloo. im

Solution 1:

My best so far solution is:

import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import imfilter, imread
from skimage import color, data, restoration
from scipy.signal import convolve2d as conv2

def main():
  image = imread("/Users/gsamaras/Downloads/boat.tif")
  #plt.imshow(arr, cmap='gray')
  #blurred_arr = imfilter(arr, "blur")
  psf = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25
  image = conv2(image, psf, 'same')
  image += 0.1 * image.std() * np.random.standard_normal(image.shape)

  deconvolved = restoration.wiener(image, psf, 1, clip=False)
  #print deconvolved
  plt.imshow(deconvolved, cmap='gray')
  #print image

if __name__ == "__main__":

Much smaller values in restoration.wiener() lead to images that appear like you have put a non-transparent overlay above it (like this). On the other hand as this value grows the image blurs more and more. A value near 1 seems to work best and deblur the image.

Worthnoting is the fact that the smaller this value (I mean the balance, the greater the image size is.

PS - I am open to new answers.

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