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Explain Lambda Argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, Width)

This code works properly to increase the width of the help text, but it's unclear. What is the lambda function doing? EDIT: To clarify, the question is not Why are lambda function

Solution 1:

This is the __init__ for the default HelpFormatter class is:

def __init__(self,

The ArgumentParser class uses this function to fetch a Formatter instance. This instance is used by format_help to create the help message.

def _get_formatter(self):
    return self.formatter_class(prog=self.prog)

where self.formatter_class is the parameter you set. So the default invocation only sets the prog parameter.

formatter = lambda prog: argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, width=100)

calls the HelpFormatter with the addition of the width parameter.

Here's an equivalent use of lambda with a simpler function:

In [176]: def foo(x,y):
     ...:     return x,y
In [177]: bar = lambda y: foo('x_str',y)
In [178]: bar('y_str')
Out[178]: ('x_str', 'y_str')

There are other ways of doing the same thing, such as

def formatter(prog):
    return argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, width=100)

or a HelpFormatter subclass.

Solution 2:

The lambda here is simply "fixing" one of the parameters of the argparse.HelpFormatter constructor. The formatter argument to argparse.ArgumentParser takes a class that accepts one argument in its constructor. We would like to pass additional named arguments to the call we are using there... namely width=100. The way to do that is to create a second constructor that takes the same positional arguments as argparse.HelpFormatter, but "fixes" width=100 in the call.

This is a common paradigm when passing functions as arguments. Another common example is when a function takes an argument that requires a function of one variable. We have a function of two variables that we'd like to pass in, with one of the variables "fixed", so we use new_func = lambda x: old_func(x, 5). Checkout functools.partial

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