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Matplotlib Indicate Point On X And Y Axis

I often want to highlight a point along a curve using matplotlib to make a plot that looks like: The following code was used to create the plot import numpy as np import matplotli

Solution 1:

A way to go could be to update the lines each time the canvas gets redrawn. To this end we could create a class PointMarkers with an update method that is connected to the draw_event listener. This way the lines will update not only if points are added after the marker lines' creation, but also when the canvas is resized or panned.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

class PointMarker():
    def __init__(self, ax, point, **kwargs): = ax
        self.point = point
        if "line" in kwargs:
            self.c = kwargs.get("line").get_color()
            self.c = kwargs.get("color", "b")"linestyle", ':')
        self.vline, =[],[],color=self.c,
        self.hline, =[],[],color=self.c,

    def draw(self):
        xmin = ax.get_xlim()[0]
        ymin = ax.get_ylim()[0]
        self.vline.set_data([self.point[0], self.point[0]], [ymin,self.point[1]])
        self.hline.set_data([xmin, self.point[0]], [self.point[1], self.point[1]])

class PointMarkers():
    pointmarkers = []
    def add(self,ax, point, **kwargs ):
        pm = PointMarker(ax, point, **kwargs)
    def update(self, event=None):
        for pm in self.pointmarkers:

x = np.arange(1,17)
y = np.log(x)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
line = plt.plot(x,y)

# register the markers
p = PointMarkers()
p.add(ax,[x[5],y[5]], line=line[0])
p.add(ax,[x[12],y[12]], color="purple", linestyle="-.")
# connect event listener
cid = plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect("draw_event", p.update)

#testing: draw some new points or change axis limits

enter image description here

For saving, the redrawing would need to be performed manually directly before the save command, like


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