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Count Unique Values Per Unique Keys In Python Dictionary

I have dictionary like this:|||||| yaho

Solution 1:

Use a defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict

d = defaultdict(set)

with open('somefile.txt') as thefile:
   for line in the_file:
      if line.strip():
          value, key = line.split('|')

for k,v in d.iteritems():  # use d.items() in Python3
    print('{} - {}'.format(k, len(v)))

Solution 2:

you can use zip function to separate the ips and domains in tow list , then use set to get the unique entries !

>>> zip(*[i.split('|') for i in f])
[('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'g03.msg.vcs0'), ('\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '')]
>>> [set(dom) for dom in zip(*[i.split('|') for i in f])]
[set(['', 'g03.msg.vcs0', '']), set(['\n', '\n', '\n', '', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n'])]

and then with len you can find the number of unique objects ! all in one line with list comprehension :

>>> [len(i) for i in [set(dom) for dom in zip(*[i.split('|') for i in f])]]
[3, 9]

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