Import Error While Trying To Run Jupyter Notebook
An import error occurs when trying to run jupyter notebook I'm trying to run jupyter notebook using anaconda (git bash platform), and as I type in jupyter notebook, an import error
Solution 1:
I found a similar issue open on GitHub for zmq. The recommendation by GitHub user harsh23tyagi that seems to work for most is to run the following:
pip uninstall pyzmq
pip install pyzmq
Solution 2:
Working with conda env, jupyter notebook
worked in (base) env but gave the .libzmq error in (my_env).
To be able to run notebooks from my_env, this worked for me :
pip uninstall pyzmq
pip install pyzmq==20
(no version for pyzmq didn't fix the issue for me)
Solution 3:
It seems that updating pyzmq to the latest version fixes this problem for me.
conda install pyzmq=22
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