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Showing posts from October, 2022

Python - How To Get The Number Of Lines In A Text File

I would like to know if it s possible to know how many lines contains my file text without using a … Read more Python - How To Get The Number Of Lines In A Text File

"RuntimeError: Calling Tcl From Different Appartment" Tkinter And Threading

I want to implement GUI using threading and tkinter (python 3.6). When I run, the … Read more "RuntimeError: Calling Tcl From Different Appartment" Tkinter And Threading

Python Zip A Sub Folder And Not The Entire Folder Path

I have a program to zip all the contents in a folder. I did not write this code but I found it some… Read more Python Zip A Sub Folder And Not The Entire Folder Path

Why Does PyCharm Automatically Hyperlink My URL

Whenever I paste a URL into my Python output window in PyCharm it automatically realizes that the U… Read more Why Does PyCharm Automatically Hyperlink My URL

Python: How To Change All Instances Of "timestamp" In .JSON File To A Date-time Object

I have a LocationHistory.json file that has location data stored. The data looks like this: { '… Read more Python: How To Change All Instances Of "timestamp" In .JSON File To A Date-time Object

Open A Python Port From Erlang: No Reply Messages

Based on Chapter 12 of the OTP in Action book and Cesarini's book I wrote this Erlang code: Erl… Read more Open A Python Port From Erlang: No Reply Messages

Reshape Pandas.Df To Use In GridSearch

I am trying to use multiple feature columns in GridSearch with Pipeline. So I pass two columns for … Read more Reshape Pandas.Df To Use In GridSearch

Getting An Empty ImmutableMultiDict Object From JQuery Request Data

Trying to upload a file to server but the ImmutableMultiDict object is returning empty. upload.html… Read more Getting An Empty ImmutableMultiDict Object From JQuery Request Data

Python2.7 Import Pyautogui Xlib Error

I have a problem, when I try import pyautogui I will get this error msg. Xlib.xauth: warning, fail… Read more Python2.7 Import Pyautogui Xlib Error

Unpacking Iterables In Python3?

Why is this returning in sort_tup_from_list for key, val in tup: ValueError: not enough values to u… Read more Unpacking Iterables In Python3?

Handmade Estimator Modifies Parameters In __init__?

I am preparing a tailored preprocessing phase which is suppose to become part of a sklearn.pipeline… Read more Handmade Estimator Modifies Parameters In __init__?

Is There A Progress Bar Feature For Pytube?

I want to add a progress bar to the youtube download feature. what modules do I need to represent t… Read more Is There A Progress Bar Feature For Pytube?

Use Pickle To Load A State For Class

I'm trying to get my feet wet with pickle, so I write a little sample code like this: class sta… Read more Use Pickle To Load A State For Class

How To Deals With Unknown Label And Edges In Python Graph

I have two arrays, a and b. I would like to draw the networkx graph that group the values together … Read more How To Deals With Unknown Label And Edges In Python Graph

Memory Efficient Way For List Comprehension Of Pandas Dataframe Using Multiple Columns

I want to run a function on rows of a pandas dataframe in list comprehension. Dataframe can have va… Read more Memory Efficient Way For List Comprehension Of Pandas Dataframe Using Multiple Columns

Val_loss Did Not Improve From Inf + Loss:nan Error While Training

I have a problem that occurs when I start training my model. This error says that val_loss did not … Read more Val_loss Did Not Improve From Inf + Loss:nan Error While Training

Multiple Database Support In Django

From some forum I came to know that Multiple database support is added in Django at lower level, bu… Read more Multiple Database Support In Django

Adyen Encryption Of Credit Card Details Using Python

The Adyen packages are scattered and are not answering my questions directly. I am using python on … Read more Adyen Encryption Of Credit Card Details Using Python

Reading An Excel Object Retrieved Using Urllib2

I am getting an Excel file using urllib2 and saving into response below. I want to be able to proce… Read more Reading An Excel Object Retrieved Using Urllib2

Concatenate/join Rows In Txt File W/ Python 3

Looking to clean up a .txt file from NMEA GPS. My current code is below. deletes = ['$GPGGA'… Read more Concatenate/join Rows In Txt File W/ Python 3

Django Rest Framework 3.1 Breaks Pagination.PaginationSerializer

I just updated to Django Rest Framework 3.1 and it seems that all hell broke loose. in my serialize… Read more Django Rest Framework 3.1 Breaks Pagination.PaginationSerializer

Linux Lines Counting Not Working With Python Code

I am using WC -l to count number of lines in a text document. However I got a problem here. I got a… Read more Linux Lines Counting Not Working With Python Code

Python Json, Unnecessary Slashes

I am creating a simple server side app, i use built in module 'json' for creating an answer… Read more Python Json, Unnecessary Slashes

Execute Multiple .py Files At The Same Time

I have three .py files that I want to run at the same time in a Python script file. I initially cal… Read more Execute Multiple .py Files At The Same Time

Calling The Setter Of A Super Class In A Mixin

Suppose I have the following (not quite biologically correct) classes: class AnimalBaseClass: d… Read more Calling The Setter Of A Super Class In A Mixin

From Crypto Import Random -> ImportError: Cannot Import Name Random

I have installed pycrypto (version 2.3) to /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Crypto/ and I am … Read more From Crypto Import Random -> ImportError: Cannot Import Name Random

Method Not Allowed The Method Is Not Allowed For The Requested URL. 405 Error

I am new to building API. I am building a very Simple API: When executed, The HTML page displaying … Read more Method Not Allowed The Method Is Not Allowed For The Requested URL. 405 Error

Theano 'Expected An Array-like Object, But Found A Variable': Using Scan & Categorical_crossentropy

I'm trying to sum multiple loss in theano but I can't make it work. I'm using the categ… Read more Theano 'Expected An Array-like Object, But Found A Variable': Using Scan & Categorical_crossentropy

Why Is An Egg-info File Created When I'm Using Distutils?

Below is my I don't use anything from setuptools in my code and my project has no ext… Read more Why Is An Egg-info File Created When I'm Using Distutils?

Python Equivalent Of Haskell's [1..] (to Index A List)

I have a list of elements in python. I don't know the number of elements in the list. I would l… Read more Python Equivalent Of Haskell's [1..] (to Index A List)

Python Regular Expression For Windows File Path

The problem, and it may not be easily solved with a regex, is that I want to be able to extract a W… Read more Python Regular Expression For Windows File Path

Masking User Input In Python With Asterisks

I am trying to mask what the user types into IDLE with asterisks so people around them can't se… Read more Masking User Input In Python With Asterisks