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How To Hash A Class Or Function Definition?

Background When experimenting with machine learning, I often reuse models trained previously, by means of pickling/unpickling. However, when working on the feature-extraction part,

Solution 1:

All you’re looking for is a hash procedure that includes all the salient details of the class’s definition. (Base classes can be included by including their definitions recursively.) To minimize false matches, the basic idea is to apply a wide (cryptographic) hash to a serialization of your class. So start with pickle: it supports more types than hash and, when it uses identity, it uses a reproducible identity based on name. This makes it a good candidate for the base case of a recursive strategy: deal with the functions and classes whose contents are important and let it handle any ancillary objects referenced.

So define a serialization by cases. Call an object special if it falls under any case below but the last.

  • For a tuple deemed to contain special objects:
    1. The character t
    2. The serialization of its len
    3. The serialization of each element, in order
  • For a dict deemed to contain special objects:
    1. The character d
    2. The serialization of its len
    3. The serialization of each name and value, in sorted order
  • For a class whose definition is salient:
    1. The character C
    2. The serialization of its __bases__
    3. The serialization of its vars
  • For a function whose definition is salient:
    1. The character f
    2. The serialization of its __defaults__
    3. The serialization of its __kwdefaults__ (in Python 3)
    4. The serialization of its __closure__ (but with cell values instead of the cells themselves)
    5. The serialization of its vars
    6. The serialization of its __code__
  • For a code object (since pickle doesn’t support them at all):
    1. The character c
    2. The serializations of its co_argcount, co_nlocals, co_flags, co_code, co_consts, co_names, co_freevars, and co_cellvars, in that order; none of these are ever special
  • For a static or class method object:
    1. The character s or m
    2. The serialization of its __func__
  • For a property:
    1. The character p
    2. The serializations of its fget, fset, and fdel, in that order
  • For any other object: pickle.dumps(x,-1)

(You never actually store all this: just create a hashlib object of your choice in the top-level function, and in the recursive part update it with each piece of the serialization in turn.)

The type tags are to avoid collisions and in particular to be prefix-free. Binary pickles are already prefix-free. You can base the decision about a container on a deterministic analysis of its contents (even if heuristic) or on context, so long as you’re consistent.

As always, there is something of an art to balancing false positives against false negatives: for a function, you could include __globals__ (with pruning of objects already serialized to avoid large if not infinite serializations) or just any __name__ found therein. Omitting co_varnames ignores renaming local variables, which is good unless introspection is important; similarly for co_filename and co_name.

You may need to support more types: look for static attributes and default arguments that don’t pickle correctly (because they contain references to special types) or at all. Note of course that some types (like file objects) are unpicklable because it’s difficult or impossible to serialize them (although unlike pickle you can handle lambdas just like any other function once you’ve done code objects). At some risk of false matches, you can choose to serialize just the type of such objects (as always, prefixed with a character ? to distinguish from actually having the type in that position).

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