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Python __getattr__ Executed Multiple Times

I've been trying to implement the __getattr__ function as in the following example: PEP 562 -- Module __getattr__ and __dir__ And I don't get why this simple piece of code: # lib.p

Solution 1:

TL;DR the first "test" printed is a side-effect of the "from import" implementation, i.e. it's printed during creation of lib module. The second "test" is from subsequent access of dynamic attribute on the module directly.

Knowing that importlib is implemented in Python code, modify your slightly to also dump a trace:

from traceback import print_stack

def __getattr__(name):
    print("-" * 80)

This gives the hint to pinpoint the library location in importlib which triggers double attribute access:

$ python3 
  File "", line 3, in <module>
    from lib import test
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1019, in _handle_fromlist
  File "/private/tmp/", line 5, in __getattr__
  File "", line 3, in <module>
    from lib import test
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1032, in _handle_fromlist
  File "/private/tmp/", line 5, in __getattr__
  File "", line 3, in <module>
    from lib import test
  File "/private/tmp/", line 5, in __getattr__

Now we can find the answer easily by RTFS (below I use Python v3.7.6, switch on git to the exact tag you use in case of different version). Look in importlib._bootstrap. _handle_fromlist at the indicated line numbers.

_handle_fromlist is a helper intended to load package submodules in a from import. Step 1 is to see if the module is a package at all:

if hasattr(module, '__path__'):

The __path__ access comes there, on line 1019. Because your __getattr__ returns None for all inputs, hasattr returns True here, so your module looks like a package, and the code continues on. (If hasattr had returned False, _handle_fromlist would abort at this point.)

The "fromlist" here will have the name you requested, ["test"], so we go into the for-loop with x="test" and on line 1032 there is the "extra" invocation:

elif not hasattr(module, x):

from lib import test will only attempt to load a lib.test submodule if lib does not already have a test attribute. This check is testing whether the attribute exists, to see if _handle_fromlist needs to attempt to load a submodule.

Should you return different values for the first and second invocation of __getattr__ with name "test", then the second value returned is the one which will actually be received within

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