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Python How To Order Xml File According To CSV Ordering?

I have this XML File:- final.xml

Solution 1:

One possible approach would be to use BeautifulSoup to help with the XML parsing. This can be installed using:

pip install beautifulsoup4

The code:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
import glob

tests = {}

# Read in the XML files and parse them

for xml_filename in glob.glob('*.xml'):
    print(f'Parsing {xml_filename}')
    with open(xml_filename) as f_input:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(f_input, 'xml')
    # Store all test tags in a dictionary 
    # (this assumes each test has a unique name)

    for test in soup.find_all('Test'):
        tests[test['Name']] = test

# Locate the children tag and empty it

children = soup.find('Children')

# Read in the ordering CSV and append the tests in the required order into
# the children tag

with open('order.csv', newline='') as f_order:
    csv_order = csv.reader(f_order)
    header = next(csv_order)
    for id, test_name in csv_order:
        except KeyError:
            print(f"Test '{test_name}' not present")
# Add any remaining tests not listed in the CSV
for test in tests.values():
# Write the modified xml

with open('output.xml', 'w') as f_output:

The indenting of the XML will be modified but the structure will be maintained. A "prettier" output style can be obtained by changing the output write to:


It first stores all of the tests in a Python dictionary from all of the XML files. Then whilst reading your ordering CSV file it uses pop to read each test back out of the dictionary and append it into the children tag. By using pop() it also removes the test from the dictionary. Any tests left over in the dictionary (that were not in the ordering CSV) could then be added to the end (if needed).

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