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Getting "maximum Recursion Depth Exceeded" With Python Turtle Mouse Move

This code should utilize mouse motion events to draw a dot at the current mouse position: import turtle def motion(event): x, y = event.x, event.y turtle.goto(x-300, 300-y

Solution 1:

The problem is that a new event comes in while your event hander is still processing the previous event, so the event handler gets called from inside the event handler which looks like a recursion! The fix is to disable the event binding while inside the event handler:

from turtle import Screen, Turtle

def motion(event):
    turtle.goto(event.x - 300, 300 - event.y), "red")
    canvas.bind("<Motion>", motion)

screen = Screen()
screen.setup(600, 600)

turtle = Turtle(visible=False)

canvas = screen.getcanvas()
canvas.bind("<Motion>", motion)

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